Consumer Resources

The following real estate resources/links are provided to assist users with questions and/or research on various real estate topics.
Forcible Entry and Detainer (Chapter 21)
Horizontal Property Regime (Chapter 45)
Guam Landlord and Tenant Rental Act of 2018 (Chapter 48)
Guam Building Code (Chapter 67)
Chamorro Land Trust Commission (Chapter 75)
Real Estate Administration (Chapter 102)
Real Estate Regulations (Chapter 104)
Home Warranties (5GCA Government Operations Chapter 32)
Government of Guam Agencies
- Office of the Governor
- Lt. Governor’s Office
- Guam Legislature
- Department of Revenue and Taxation
- Department of Land Management
- Board of Equalization
- Department of Public Works
- One Stop Licensing Center
- Department of Parks and Recreation
- Guam Environmental Protection Agency
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Historic Preservation
- Department of Public Health and Social Services
- Bureau of Statistics and Plans
- Guam Housing & Urban Renewal Authority (GHURA)
- Guam Power Authority
- Guam Waterworks Authority
- Guam Visitors Bureau
- Guam Economic Development Authority
- Guam Department of Education
Guam Association of Realtors (G.A.R.)
Guam PEALS (Professional Engineers, Architects and Land Surveyors)